If you are expecting a baby soon or maybe your little one has already arrived you may be wondering what toys your newborn baby needs and the best ways to play with them.
If you are familiar with newborn babies then you know that in the early days and weeks your baby will mainly be eating and sleeping.
As your baby becomes more alert you will want to have a few items to use during playtime with your newborn.
Here are some of the best toys and simple ways to play with a newborn baby.
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What are the benefits of playing with your baby?
Playing is a way for parents to have fun, bond, and learn more about their child.
Playing helps children develop skills like hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and communication skills.
Playing with your baby is also a form of exercise for them.
With that said you also need to watch your baby’s cues when it comes to playtime.
If they seem to be getting overwhelmed you may want to take a break and play again later.
How to Play with a Newborn
You can play with your newborn throughout the day by reading a book, singing songs and playing with toys.
You will always want to watch your baby’s cues to see what interests them the most.
Do they perk up when you change environments?
Do they wiggle when they hear a new sound?
Infants learn through repetition of activities such as looking at books, hearing music or touching different textures.
Playing helps your child develop their senses.
Let your baby feel new textures by exploring objects and toys in their environment.
A simple way to incorporate this into your day is when you are folding laundry let your baby feel and touch the different fabrics by gently placing them in the palm of their hand.
Explore sounds by bringing in an object with a squeaky noise and seeing how your baby responds to it.
When do babies start playing with toys?
It is hard to say when babies start playing, but they can do so from birth.
Newborns cannot play with typical toys because their motor skills are not yet developed enough for them to grasp objects and move them around. But if you hold an object in front of them like your finger, they will try to grasp it.
It is important to be patient and unintrusive as they explore.
As their motor skills develop, babies can start playing with toys designed for them like rattles (these are some of my favorites) or teething rings made of silicone that are easy for a baby’s gums to grip.
Newborn babies spend most of their days and nights sleeping and eating.
During those awake times, you can try a few different things to “play” or “interact” with your little one.
One of the things that is recommended is to start reading to your baby from very early on.
You can work this into a bedtime or naptime ritual.
Choose books that are soft and squishy to begin with.
Books that have contrasting colors such as black, red, and white are also helpful as your baby’s vision is still blurry and fuzzy.
Best Books for Newborns
One of the best times to read with your baby is during tummy time.
Tummy time is when you let your baby lay on their stomach during the awake time while you supervise them.
Tummy time helps strengthen the muscles that will someday lead to sitting, crawling, standing, and walking.
Because we know babies can see black and white best I like this stand-up black and white book for tummy (click here to check it out.)
Another great option for books during tummy time is this one.
I love that it includes a mirror for babies to look in as well!
Textured Baby Books
As your baby gets a little older they will start being more interested in touching different textures and fabrics.
Having books that are made of cloth-like this one is easy for them to explore and also easy to wash!
When you are looking at these books with your baby focus on touching and feeling.
You can also describe what your little one is seeing and feeling while it happens.
Small board books like this one will work well as they are sturdy and have wonderful illustrations.
RELATED POST: Simple Learning Activities for Your 1 Month Old Baby
When do babies start grabbing toys?
Sometime between 4-6 months your baby will start using their hands more to explore toys.
You may want to start adding toys that they can hold, like rattles, soft blocks, and squishy books.
Play gyms can also be a fun way for your child to be stimulated visually and have lots of toys to reach for.
We received this baby play gym as a gift and it was well-loved by both of my children when they were babies.
I also really like this one as it has a lot for babies to explore while they are doing tummy time as well which is very important
Do you struggle with deciding which toys to get?
If you are feeling overwhelmed with what toys to get then I would go with a subscription like this.
Toys are sent to you based on the age of your little one so that they will be developmental appropriate.
They also include a little guide with information about development as well as how to use the toys included.
If someone is looking for gift ideas this can be a great option as well.
Rattles can be a great way to provide some auditory stimulation for your little one.
Rattles are often made from plastic, fabric or wood and have different shapes on the inside that make different sounds when shaken up – this can help encourage hearing development in infants!
Rattles also come with bright colors and interesting textures so they can really engage baby’s senses.
Newborns need to be touched, talked to and sung too. Newborns really need interaction with parents in order for their brains to develop properly. Keep it simple when it come to newborn play time
Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.