We get so excited to hear a baby’s first words that we often times forget about the crucial communication skills that come before.
Baby pointing is an essential step in communication as it encourages your baby to imitate and also communicate their wants and needs.
How can you encourage this skill?
At what age do baby’s typically start pointing?
Here are all the topics that we will be covering in this post:
- What age do babies start to point?
- When do babies point with index finger?
- Baby Pointing for Communication
- Baby points with whole hand…is that normal?
- Baby Points to Pictures in Books
- How to Teach Baby to Point
- Model Pointing for Your Baby
- Use Hand Over Hand Guidance to Teach Baby Pointing Milestone
- Practice Pointing Skills During Playtime
- Practice Pointing Skills During Tummy Time
- Best Baby Toys to Encourage Pointing
- Frequently Asked Questions

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Baby Pointing Milestone: What age do babies start to point?
A baby may point for a few different reasons.
They may be pointing to show you something that they want or need.
They may be using their fingers to point and hit a button on a toy.
No matter the reason, pointing requires coordination of small motor movements to isolate their fingers which is a fine motor skill.
When do babies point with the index finger?
Babies usually start pointing with their index finger sometime between 9-12 months.
Some babies will do this earlier or some may do it a little later.
One way to check and see if your baby has this skill is by placing a cheerio out on their tray during meal times and pointing to it yourself.
See if your baby imitates you!

Baby Pointing for Communication
Pointing is exciting because it gives your baby a way to communicate with you.
Your baby may notice something they want or they are interested in and point to it.
You will also be able to offer your baby choices with toys or mealtimes and find out what their preferences are once they are able to point to indicate needs and wants.
When babies use gestures, pointing, or even baby sign language it is the first step for your child to communicate even before they have started to say any spoken words.
Baby points with the whole hand…is that normal?
Yes, this is a normal step in development and you can expect it to happen before your baby is able to isolate one finger to point with.
After they have established pointing with their whole hand you can expect them to start finger-pointing within the next couple of months.
Fine motor skills like this take time and practice to refine.
Your baby’s hands are still learning how to coordinate muscles to do what they need to do and are getting stronger through their first year of life.
Baby Points to Pictures in Book
Looking at books with your baby is an excellent way to work on this crucial communication skill.
When your baby can point to a picture in a book it is a sign of receptive language development.
Receptive language development refers to the understanding and listening portion of communication.
Your baby will at first pat at pictures in books to start and later on as they refine their finger movements they will be able to point with one finger.
During storytime model this skill for your little one by pointing out interesting pictures.
You can also gently take their hand and show them how to pat at or point out pictures they like.
When they do pat or point at pictures make sure to acknowledge the skill by saying something like, “Wow I love the brown bear too!”
Read my post about teaching early literacy skills to young children for more information about reading to your baby.
How to Teach Baby to Point

Model Pointing for Your Baby
Your baby is watching your every move so one of the best ways to teach something is to model the skills yourself.
You can model pointing all throughout your daily routines.
When you are at the grocery store, point to an interesting item to show your baby.
When you are on a walk or playing outside with your baby point out the birds, dog, or a squirrel running by.

Use Hand Over Hand Guidance to Teach Baby Pointing Milestone
Just like we talked about with patting and pointing to pictures in books, using hand-over-hand guidance can also be a great way to show them how to do this skill.
If you catch your baby gazing at something, gently take their hand and point with them, and label what you are both looking at.
Always watch for your baby’s cues when teaching new skills as well.
If they get upset or pull away don’t force it.
They may not be ready or comfortable with doing it yet.
Just stop, and give it another try in a few days or a week.
If they smile and seem excited you can practice this skill more often.
Growing Your Baby’s Language Skills with Everyday Activities
One of the best things you can do to boost your baby’s language skills and language learning is to involve them in daily routines, like cooking dinner.
You see, there are different approaches to teaching important skills like pointing, which is a key baby gesture leading to verbal communication.
For instance, when it’s time to make dinner, turn it into a fun game.
Say, “We need to find the ingredients for our meal. Can you help me?”
As you walk around the kitchen, show your baby how it’s done by pointing to the things you need, like the tomato sauce or the pasta.
This models the action for them.
Then, encourage your baby to give it a try.
They might point at the desired object with a little hand, imitating you.
This isn’t just cute; it’s a critical step in building their communication skills.
By engaging with your baby in this way, you’re teaching them valuable lessons without them even realizing it.
Remember, every little interaction like this is a stepping stone in their language learning journey.
You can get more EASY ways to support language development all day long with my 1 Minute Communication Ideas Cards for Babies and Toddlers.
Practicing Pointing Skills During Playtime
Playtime provides lots of opportunities for your baby to practice all the skills needed for this baby-pointing milestone.
Practice Pointing Skills During Tummy Time
You can start working on this skill when your baby is very young during tummy time.
When you are both lying face to face on the floor take your hand and show them how to feel and rake the carpet of rug below them.
This is one way to help them explore using their fingers.
You can gently take their fingers and guide them across the floor as well to see how they respond.
Some babies are more sensitive to touch so always watch your baby for cues to see if they are enjoying the activity.
Best Baby Toys to Encourage Pointing

Poke-a-Dot Books are Perfect For Practicing Pointing
The poke-a-dot book series is a great option to encourage baby-pointing skills.
They come in lots of different themes from farm animals, ocean, bedtime, and many more.
They are sturdy books that encourage your child to pop a little dot to participate in the story.
I like these books because they are great for babies but will last through the toddler years and are also fun for older children.
You can take a closer look at these books HERE.
Fisher-Price My First Fidget Cube
This is such a fun simple toy that inspires curiosity and pointing skills.
The cube has lots of bright colors and interesting gears and buttons for your little one to practice using their fingers to explore.
You can check out the fidget cube HERE.
Sensory Board for Babies
This sensory board is recommended for babies 6 months and up and provides lots of unique ways for your baby to explore using their hands.
You could use this board on the floor during time with older babies to get them engaged and interested.
This toy could be used to encourage pointing but it is also versatile enough to teach your baby lots of different things such as problem-solving and cause and effect.
You could also use this toy to motivate your child to play in different positions such as sitting or by putting it on the couch to encourage your child to play in standing.
Learn more about the baby sensory board HERE.

When to Seek Help with Your Baby’s Development
Sometimes, despite all your efforts, you might notice your baby is having a hard time learning to point or you might have concerns about other parts of their development.
It’s super important to know that help is available, and reaching out is a strong step forward.
If you’re worried about your baby not meeting developmental milestones like pointing, which is an important early communication skill, it might be a sign of a language delay.
Early intervention services are available in all 50 states and they’re here to help your little one get back on the right track.
These services are often free and provide a screening or evaluation for your baby.
This means professionals, like a speech language pathologist, can check on your baby’s child development and see how they are doing.
Remember, every child develops at their own pace, but it’s always okay to ask for help if you’re concerned.
When a child qualifies, parents can receive extra support from experts who know all about helping kids grow and learn.
This extra support can make a big difference in your child’s ability to communicate and interact with the world around them.
I Hope You Enjoy this Exciting Milestone!
In conclusion, teaching your child to point is a simple yet important skill that supports their hand-eye coordination and helps them learn how to use hand gestures like waving bye-bye.
You can easily help your little one practice this skill throughout the day.
Whether you’re playing with a toy car, doing laundry, or flipping through a book together, every moment is an opportunity for pretend play and to point out something interesting.
Each time your child points at something, it’s not just about the object itself; it’s a step towards better communication.
Remember, every interaction, no matter how small, plays a part in their development.
By keeping an eye out for those moments when your child points, and encouraging them, you’re supporting their growth in a fun and natural way.
Frequently Asked Questions
Babies point for a variety of reasons.
They may be pointing to an object or person that they desire.
They will also point to things in their environment that they are interested in.
Pointing is important because it allows your baby a way to show what they want or need.
They can also use pointing to explore small items such as buttons or holes on a toy.
It is a fine motor skill that leads to other skills that support daily living.
Pointing is just one milestone that fits a long with many others.
If you have concerns about your baby not meeting milestones you should contact your pediatrician or early intervention for a free screening or evaluation.

Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.