Fine motor skills refer to the small movements that occur in the hands. You may not notice your baby doing much with their hands yet but someday those fine motor skills will help them with performing everyday tasks like buttoning shirts, turning pages, and even gripping a pencil. Helping your baby develop their fine motor …
Parenting Tips
Navigating your child’s eating habits can be a challenge. However, when we find ourselves besieged by a selective eater, it’s easy to fall into the traps of concession or even defeat. One of my steadfast strategies is placing those foods I know my children won’t eat on their plates, every time, and I’m perfectly at …
There comes a time in every toddler’s life when the looming presence of the toilet becomes as inevitable as growing one size too big for their favorite shoes. Yes, potty training (actually I prefer to call it “potty learning”) — the milestone many parents both eagerly anticipate and dread all the same. With so much …
Toddlers and summer—it’s a magical mix of discovery, first adventures, and endless play. But as every seasoned parent knows, a carefree summer day with a little one requires some solid preparation. Here’s a checklist of summer essentials that will not only make life easier for you but will ensure your little explorer gets the most …
It’s a scenario parents worldwide are familiar with; a gleeful toddler is happily immersed in play at the park, and suddenly, you announce they have “just 5 minutes left.” Cue the epic meltdown. But why does this happen and, what should parents do instead? Here’s a deeper look at the learning capacities and emotional development …