Have you struggled with trying to feed a picky toddler? This is a problem that many parents face and can cycle throughout the toddler years. Here are some simple ways to make mealtime less stressful and to get your toddler trying some new foods today. (This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to …
Parenting Tips for Toddlers
My son is now 21 months and his second birthday is sneaking up on me fast! Back in April I made the decision to teach my son Spanish, even though I did not speak it myself. Here is a quick flashback on how I had planned on teaching him: Songs: We will be listening to …
(This post may contain affiliate links. To read our full disclosure policy click here.) Put down the tablet and turn off the television. If you really want your baby and toddler to learn, teach them how to participate in imaginary play. This amazing and fun activity is packed full with learning opportunities in all areas …
Summer is here which means there are lots of opportunities for your little one to learn, explore, and enjoy the outdoors. Sand play for toddlers promotes learning in many ways. If your little one will be spending some time in the sandbox (or a sensory table like this) then this guide will help you to encourage …
The zoo provides a wonderful place for toddlers and babies to learn all about animals. What you may not have noticed though is just how many other skills your little one is working on while they explore this new environment! Let’s take a look at each of the 5 areas of development to see just …