Recently my husband, toddler, and I flew across the country from Indiana to California. During this flight I came to the realization that flying with a toddler is very similar to The Hunger Games. Much like Katniss Everdeen, I had to be constantly vigilant to what was going on around me as any small trigger …
Parenting Tips for Toddlers
One of my favorite times of the day is bath time! My son loves the water and couldn’t be happier splashing away. Chances are your little one spends a lot of time in the bath as well so why not add some learning to the fun? In this post you will find ideas and strategies …
Are you having trouble deciding which preschool to send your little one to? If so, this post contains 5 must ask questions for your preschool interview. As an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher I have had a lot of experience working with preschools and in them. Make sure you are prepared for your preschool interview …