Language development 0-6 months skills are being developed from the day your baby is born.
Expressive Language is shown when your baby cries to express what they want or need.
Receptive language development is the understanding of language that is forming every time you talk to your beautiful baby.
Some of the signs that these skills are emerging may appear very subtle.
If you look closely you will notice your baby doing little things that are helping him learn about his environment and process new information.
All children develop differently and at their own pace so know that if your baby is not doing the exact same things as your best friend’s, that is ok.
However, if you are concerned about your little one’s development always seek out the Early Intervention program in your area for a free screening or evaluation.
In this post I will give you information about what language development 6 months skills look like and how to encourage communication skills in babies from birth to six months.

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Complete Guide to Language Development 0-6 Months
0-3 Months Language Skills Include:
Crying is an Expressive Language Milestone
Hearing your baby’s cries is a sign that they are working on their expressive language.
By crying they are indicating they need something whether it be milk, a clean diaper, or just a snuggle.
If you listen closely, you will notice their cries change depending on their wants.
These different cries may have pitch, volume, or duration changes to indicate they are hungry or just need a nap.
This is an important skill for language development 0-3 months.
Cooing, Laughing, and Smiling is How Your Baby Communicates
One of the best moments in any new mom’s life is when she hears her little one coo or giggle for the first time.
They may be responding to you or maybe it is just gas, but the sound is delightful and a sign that your baby is able to express themselves.
Smiling in response to hearing their mother’s voice is also a cue that they can respond to their environment and express happiness in who is near.
Responding to Sounds and Voices is Important for Receptive Language
Your little one may stop moving and become still when they hear a new sound or loud noises so that they can take it all in.
They may also do the opposite by startling.
Both of these reactions show that your little one has heard something that they are unsure of and are trying to process and respond to the information present.
This indicates that your little one’s receptive language skills are in place.
Most hospitals do a hearing test very soon after birth to ensure your baby is hearing, as it is a critical way for them to take in information.

How You Can Encourage Language Skills 0-3 Months:
Talk to Your Baby to Encourage Language Development
Babies need to hear lots and lots of words before they can start speaking themselves.
Not only do they need to hear a lot of different words, but they also need to hear each word many times to repeat it.
If you start labeling common objects, feelings, actions, and people from day one your little one will be able to imitate those words down the road.
You can introduce your baby to many words by narrating your day.
Talk about what you are going to make for dinner or talk about what you see while driving in the car.
If you speak multiple languages feel free to speak both to them while they are babies.
This will allow them to learn both, instead of having to teach them later on in life.
There are many benefits for children that grow up bilingual!
Want to learn and teach your child a new language from birth? Read more about that HERE!
Singing Helps Your Baby Learn New Words
What is special about singing is it allows your baby to hear new words in a repetitive way.
We know that repetition is important for a baby to learn a word and singing naturally does that for us.
You can sing simple rhymes during diaper changes or make up your tunes throughout the day.
Turn on music while in the car and sing along to the tunes.

Your Baby Will Love Social Games
Make silly faces, blow raspberries and play peek-a-boo with your baby.
These classic games engage your little one and get them interested in you which is also great for emotional development.
In order for a baby to learn to imitate they need to first be able to watch you.
Watch how they respond to see which silly faces they like the most.
When your baby starts to make little coos and sounds try to imitate them.
Your baby will find this interesting and may even try to have a mini conversation with you.
Go along with it and see what silly sounds you both can make.
Read to Encourage Early Literacy Skills
Reading is one of the most powerful ways to work on language development with your little one.
Start with soft squishy books (like these) with simple pictures.
Label the pictures for your baby and let them explore the book with their hands.
A simple board book can be a great option as well.
You can see some of my favorite books for babies here.
Checking out your local library is also a great place to find books for your baby and many times they will also have play areas for young children too!
Comment when they vocalize at the pictures to let them know you hear them. Magazines are also a great option as they provide a different type of literacy experience (you can check some out here).
You may notice that your baby’s skills change fast!
Language development 3 months in will look completely different than 6-month-old language development.

3-6 Months Language Skills Include:
You are starting to hear some new and exciting sounds from your baby.
The smiles start to have a sound behind them as you hear the baby’s first giggles and laughs.
They also may be trying to get your attention by squealing!
Listen closely to hear all the things your baby is starting to express.
Your baby is starting to “talk” by exploring all the new sounds they can make.
You are starting to hear consonants like “baba”.
They are not just babbling to themselves either, you may notice they are looking at you and the other people around them trying to have a conversation.
If you sing or turn on music your baby may respond to it by cooing along!
Looking When Name is Heard
Is your baby responding to their own name?
They may respond by looking towards it when they hear it or even vocalize back!
This exciting skill usually happens closer to 6 or 7 months, but it is never too early to start practicing.
One of the best ways to help your baby learn their name is just by saying it throughout the day.
Adding it to songs is an easy and fun way to do just that!
How You Can Encourage 3-6 Month Language Skills:
Narrate Your Day
While you are going about your day, talk about what you are doing.
Your baby needs to hear words over and over again to understand them and begin using them to express themselves.
For example, if you are cooking dinner let your little one know about all of the ingredients. Show them to them and talk about how they taste.

Face Time
No…not the kind you use with the Iphone…actual face time with your baby is a great way to model language.
It is very helpful for your baby to see you while you are talking or making sounds.
This way they can imitate your mouth instead of just trying to do it by ear.
A perfect time To focus on this is during diaper changes when your baby is in a great position to see you clearly.
Make Faces to Encourage Imitation
Make silly faces at your little one to see if you can get them to imitate you.
Stick out your tongue or blow a raspberry to see if your baby tries to imitate.
Language development requires lots of watching and imitating in order to learn the sounds in words.
Making silly faces is a great way to get your baby to practice looking at you and trying to imitate.
Give your baby an unbreakable mirror (like this one) to let them practice this skill in a different way.
Sing to Your Baby
Singing works wonderfully to teach babies language because of the natural repetition.
By singing to your baby it allows them to hear words over and over again which makes them easier to learn.
Singing is the perfect tool to help establish a smooth transition to bedtime or distract your baby during a diaper change.
Have concerns about your baby’s development?
If you’re worried about how your baby is learning to talk or understand words, it’s a good idea to ask for help.
This is called early intervention.
It’s a special program that’s in all 50 states to help little kids who might need a little extra push in their learning or growing.
The best part?
They can give your baby a free check-up to see how they’re doing with their words.
This checkup is done by a professional and sometimes it may be a speech-language pathologist.
They know a lot about how kids learn to talk and understand others.
Here’s why early intervention is awesome:
- It’s everywhere: No matter where you live in the U.S., you can find these services.
- It’s free to check: They will check your baby’s skills without you paying anything.
- It’s smart to ask questions: If you’re asking simple questions like “Is my baby talking like other kids their age?” or worried about speech delay, that’s okay! It means you care about your child’s development.
- It meets your baby’s needs: An early intervention provider will see if your baby is hitting their language milestones. If not, they can help.
Remember, every baby grows at their own pace, but if you’re concerned, talking to someone who knows all about kids’ talking skills can make a big difference. It’s never too early or too late to ask for a little help.

Wrapping It Up: Fun Ways to Boost Your Baby’s Early Chatter
Talking to your baby and playing with them isn’t just fun – it’s a big boost to their language learning!
From the moment your new baby arrives, you can do simple things to help them pick up their first word and all the words that follow.
Here are some super easy and fun activities:
- Chat About Familiar Objects: During playtime or while cuddling, talk about the toys or objects your baby seems interested in. “See the ball? It’s round and red.” These real words for things they see every day help them learn faster.
- Tune Into Vocal Play: Make funny sounds or sing songs during bath time or when dressing them. Your familiar voice doing something a little different catches their attention and teaches them about the sounds they can make.
- Introduce New Things: Show your baby different objects during playtime – not just toys but maybe a cool leaf you found outside or a new colorful bowl. Explain what it is and what it does to spark their curiosity.
- Listen and Repeat: When your baby starts babbling, repeat the sounds back to them. It might not be real words yet, but it’s how they start learning that conversation is a two-way street.
- Encourage with Your Voice: Your voice is the most familiar and comforting sound for your baby. Use it to encourage them, celebrate when they make new sounds, and talk them through their day.
Remember, new moms and dads, your baby’s language learning starts with you, but it’s all about making it fun and part of your daily routine.
Whether it’s during vocal play, introducing them to new things, or simply talking about the familiar objects around them, each word and sound you share is building their foundation for language.
And most importantly, enjoy this special time of first words and big discoveries together!
Want to Learn More About Your Baby’s Development?
Make sure to sign up for the FREE Milestone Checklist to learn all about your baby!
This is handy for keeping track of everything your little one is doing so you can let your pediatrician know or stick it in the baby book!
Grab your copy below.

Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.