Your baby is now moving and making sounds in order to interact with the big world around them.
They probably look a lot different from when they were just a newborn baby…despite that being just a few months ago!
They are becoming more aware of their surroundings and learning new things day by day.
The skills needed to process all of the new information coming their way are cognitive skills.
Let’s take a closer look at cognitive development from 6-9 months.
In this post, I will give you information about what cognitive skills look like and how to encourage cognitive skills in babies from 6 to 9 months.
All children develop differently and at their own pace so know that if your baby is not doing the exact same things as your best friend’s, that is ok.
However, if you are concerned about your little one’s development always seek out the Early Intervention program in your area for a free screening or evaluation.
You should know that baby development from 0 to 9 months involves lots of skills and will change very fast.
9-month infant milestones will look very different than the ones expected at 3 months old.
Now let’s take a deeper look at intellectual development 6-9 months!

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6-9 Months Cognitive Skills Include:
Attention Span Growing
Your baby is very interested in toys and objects.
Although their attention spans are still very short you may notice that they are focusing on a single toy for a bit longer than before.
They may spend about 2-3 minutes playing and discovering one item before moving on to the next thing that catches their eye.
Name Recognition
Your baby’s receptive language skills (how they understand words) are growing!
6-9 months intellectual development includes receptive language development which is how your baby understands and processes the words that they hear.
When you name familiar family members or pets your baby will look towards them.
This is a sign that they are starting to understand more of what you are saying.
Overcoming Obstacles
Now that your baby is moving a bit more they will try to get their hands on just about anything.
This is a crucial time to make sure that you have baby proofed well as they can get into things quickly.
Create a safe environment for your baby using a crawling mat or rug and make sure to keep small objects picked up.
If there is something in your baby’s way they will start to use their problem-solving skills to get around it.
If you cover a desired object with a washcloth or blanket they will try to remove it to get to what they want.
It is fun to see how young infants will find different ways to solve their problems!

How can I encourage 6-9 months cognitive skills?
Boosting Your Baby’s Brain Power Through Daily Routines
Encouraging your baby’s cognitive and emotional development doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, new moms and dads can weave learning opportunities into the simplest daily routines. Here are a couple of easy, effective strategies to support your child’s development during the early years of life:
- During Diaper Changes: Believe it or not, changing your baby’s diaper is a golden opportunity for learning. Each time you change them, try singing a song or engaging them in finger play. This not only strengthens your baby’s grasp and ability to follow movements but also reinforces their learning through repetition. It’s fun, and it’s a direct boost to both babies’ cognitive development and emotional growth.
- While Grocery Shopping: Next time you’re at the grocery store, involve your baby. Let them look at and even touch different food packages as you place them into your cart. This simple activity encourages early literacy skills, a vital part of cognitive development. By exploring different textures, colors, and shapes, your baby is learning more about the world around them, enhancing both their sensory skills and cognitive abilities.
Remember, it’s the interactions within these daily activities that matter most. By taking advantage of these moments, you’re laying a strong foundation for your baby’s cognitive and emotional development without the need for elaborate setups or activities.
If you are ready to switch from planning a bunch of activities and instead embed learning into the things you are already doing CLICK HERE.

Set Up an Obstacle Course for Your Baby
Your baby is eager to get to objects that they are interested in so have fun with an obstacle course!
A great way to encourage cognitive development 6 months and up is by encouraging it through movement activities.
Take a toy (something simple like this would work) that your baby is interested in and put it out of reach.
If they are pulling to stand maybe put it up on the couch to encourage them to get it.
A bowl or bucket will work well to hide toys as well.
If they are not sure where to look for a toy show them how to peek underneath. Soon they will be able to find things all on their own.
Exploring New Places Will Help Your Baby Grow
It could be a new room or a new environment but introducing your baby to new environments and experiences is a great way to encourage baby cognitive development.
Take them on walks and talk about what you see so they can learn new words.
Your baby is starting to understand words so it is important to give them opportunities to learn them by labeling the things they see.
Letting them crawl around and explore a new area allows them to use their problem-solving and motor skills to navigate the new territory.
If your baby is pulling to stand you can place objects on the couch so that they can practice that new skill.
You can read more about baby standing milestones here.
Always make sure to supervise your baby closely and make sure any new space is baby-proofed.

Learning Through Play Boosts Developmental Milestones 6-9 Months
Playtime is the perfect time for your baby to gain cognitive skills.
The first time you offer your baby a new toy it is a good idea to just let them first explore it on their own for a bit.
Your baby may explore it in a variety of ways through touch and even taste it when they put it in their mouth!
After they have had a chance to explore you may have to show them how to use the toy.
For example, a simple pop up toy (like this one) can teach a baby a lot at this age.
Show them how to close and open the doors.
Model how to wave “bye bye” to the animals as you close the doors.
Your baby will learn to imitate through play which is an important concept for gaining any skill.
Show them how to stack soft blocks (like these) and how to know them down.
Show your baby how to turn pages in board books (like these) and how to pat our point to what they see.
Label the pictures that they are interested in so that they can learn the vocabulary.
You can read more about how to encourage early literacy skills here.
Magazines (like this one) designed for babies work well to give them a unique literacy experience.
Best Cognitive Development Toys for Infants 6-9 Months
Does your baby seem bored with some of their older toys?
It may be time to add some new simple toys to your baby’s collection.
Here are my top three recommendations:
Music Toys
Music toys provide a great source of natural curiosity to your little learner.
They also teach children concepts such as cause and effect. A baby music set (like this) will provide them with entertainment and help them learn in a natural way.
Baby Activity Cubes
This toy is great because it allows your baby to play in different positions.
They can lay on their tummies and explore, play with it in sitting, or use a standing position with support from you.
There are lots of different educational concepts introduced such as shapes and colors. You can check it out HERE.
Telephone Fun
Recognize this one? This play telephone is perfect for encouraging imitation skills.
Show your little one how to talk with it and then give them a turn to try it out.
I prefer this one over pretend cell phones because you and your child should be the ones making the sounds…not the toy!
You can grab your own HERE.
Need some more toy ideas?
Check out my post on the best toys for babies 6-9 months!

When to Seek Help with Your Child’s Development
It’s completely normal for kids to grow and learn at different rates.
However, if you’re concerned about your child’s cognitive milestones or overall development, it’s a good idea to reach out to your healthcare provider.
They can use a variety of developmental screening tools to check if your child is hitting their stages of development appropriately.
Sometimes, your doctor might suggest getting in touch with early intervention services.
The great news is, early intervention offers free screenings and evaluations to check on your child’s development.
This service is available in all 50 states!
Child development experts work with early intervention programs to help identify any areas where your child may need a little extra help.
Getting started early can make a big difference in helping your child catch up and succeed.
Remember, every child grows at their own pace, but if you’re worried, don’t hesitate to seek advice.
Your healthcare provider and early intervention teams are there to support you and your child every step of the way.
Bringing It All Together
Remember, helping your little one grow smart and strong is all about the simple things you do every day.
You’ve got this!
Ensuring your baby gets plenty of tummy time and free play on the floor will strengthen their muscles and get their brain buzzing.
Also, it’s super important to limit screen time; real-world play is way better for their developing minds.
Keep an eye on those cognitive developmental milestones – they’re like little clues, showing you how your baby’s brain is growing.
And hey, you’re not alone in this.
My best new parents advice?
Surround your baby with familiar people who love and interact with them.
It makes learning fun and meaningful.
Remember, every giggle, cuddle, and game of peek-a-boo is building your baby’s brain.
Keep up the great work!

Want to learn more about your 6-9 month old baby?
Click on the links below to learn all about 6-9 month old child development
Physical Development 6-9 Months
Social Emotional Skills 6-9 Months
Communication Development 6-9 Months
Related Posts About Infant Development You Will Enjoy:
How to Pick Toys That Will Encourage Your Baby’s Development
Complete Guide to Language Development 0-6 Months
Top Toys for Baby’s First Year
The Leading Toys for Encouraging Development From 6-12 Months
Additional Resources for 6-9 Month Cognitive Development
Activities to Enhance Your Child’s Cognitive Development:
6-9 Months CLICK HERE
Baby Milestones 6-9 Months CLICK HERE
6-9 Months: Your Baby’s Development CLICK HERE

Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.