Parents of toddlers know that one of the biggest challenges is getting their child to stay in bed until a reasonable hour.
While it’s natural for toddlers to want to start their day early, sometimes it would be nice if they at least waited until the sun came up!
In this article, we will dive into some strategies on what to do if your toddler is an early riser.

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The Importance of Sleep for Toddlers
A good night’s sleep is essential for everyone, but it’s crucial for toddlers.
A toddler’s brain is growing rapidly, and sleep helps the brain to consolidate memories and process new information.
In addition, sleep helps to boost immunity and reduce stress levels.
Toddlers who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to get sick, and they may have difficulty regulating their emotions.

What to do when toddlers wake up too early
I will never forget the sound of the laundry basket scraping the floor as my son pushed it so he could hit the light switch and say “Morning time!”
This ritual would take place well before the sun came up.
He would then proceed to be cranky and frustrated all morning long.
For me, sleep was always the biggest struggle as a parent!
It can be tough when toddlers wake up too early.
They may be cranky and not want to go back to sleep.
However, there are a few things you can do to help them (and yourself) get some extra rest.
How to get them back to sleep and Fix Early Rising
When your little one has an early morning waking I would treat it just like you would if they wake up during the night.
For me, this often meant just scooping them up and giving them some snuggles or rocking them back to sleep.
When my kids were toddlers we did floor beds so I would sometimes even just go in and lay down with them.
This would work sometimes, and sometimes it would not!
I do believe that each child has their own “sleep clock” and some kids need more while it seems like some kids need less.
My son continues to wake up fairly early even as a 7-year-old.
He is not cranky, so I assume he is a morning person like his mom.
My daughter does not sleep in super late by any means but we never had the early waking with her like my son except for on occasion.
Tips for parents of toddlers who wake up early
As I mentioned, each child is different.
If your toddler wakes up early and is cranky there are a few things you can try.
Make Sure Your Toddler’s Sleep Environment is Set Up For Success
Creating a sleep-friendly environment is my top strategy!
As I mentioned earlier, all kids are different and some are very sensitive when it comes to even the smallest bit of light or sound when it comes to sleeping.
It is important to make sure that the room your toddler is sleeping in is dark and cool.
You can read more about the recommendations for the best sleeping environment HERE.
Getting some room black-out curtains (like these) is one the best things you can do so that you can keep the room dark.
Try a Toddler Clock for When Toddlers Wake Up Early
Toddlers can’t tell time so it can be a bit confusing for them when they wake in the early morning hours.
When the sun is up early, this can make little ones think it is time to wake up.
By keeping the room dark and using a toddler clock you can control the environment a bit more.
If you have never seen a toddler clock (this is the one my son has) before they usually use light to indicate the different parts of your child’s sleep journey.
For example, you could set it yellow to indicate it is time to start the bedtime routine.
When it is red it means that it is nighttime and your child should stay in bed.
Green means it is finally wake-up time!
Toddler Clocks can be very helpful for children that are having trouble sleeping or have an early wake-up time.

Look at Your Bedtime Routine
One thing I have found throughout the years is that sometimes we need to shift bedtime a bit.
If your toddler is having early wake-ups it could mean that you need to adjust the time that they fall asleep at night.
If there is a possibility that they are getting overtired you may need to put them to bed a little earlier so that their nighttime sleep is not affected.
There is also the chance that your child may need a later bedtime as that may fix the early morning wakings.
When adjusting the time your child is falling asleep do so in 15-30 minute increments to see how it affects them.
Trying to adjust it too much at once can make for a very difficult transition.
A White Noise Machine Can Prevent Toddler Waking
A white noise machine (this is the one my daughter has which also doubles as a toddler clock) can be a lifesaver for parents of early risers.
By playing a gentle, continuous sound, a white noise machine can help to mask the sounds of the morning and allow your toddler to sleep for a few extra hours.
In addition, the sound of the white noise machine can help to soothe your child back to sleep if they do happen to wake up in the middle of the night.
If you are looking for a way to help your toddler get a better night’s sleep, a white noise machine is definitely worth considering.
Is Your Nap Schedule Affecting Nighttime Sleep?
I always say to hold onto naps as long as you can!
However, it is important to look at the whole picture.
If your toddler is having early morning wakings it could also be due to too much daytime sleep.
If this is the case, you may need to adjust their nap schedule a bit so that they are not sleeping too long during the day.
Transitioning out of a nap can also be a bit of a process.
My son dropped a nap fairly quickly and was done with it within a few weeks of starting to cut it out.
My daughter on the other hand would nap some days and not others and it was a process that took months.

Check Your Toddler’s Activity Level
One thing to think about is how busy your toddler is throughout the day.
Making sure that they have lots of time to run, jump, and play will help them sleep at night and most likely prevent night wakings and get them sleeping until the desired wake time
Having your toddler play outside during the daytime can be a great way to get movement and play in.
You can find more ideas on how to get your toddler to burn off energy here.

Could a sleep regression be causing early wake-ups?
If your toddler has started waking up early, it could be due to a sleep regression.
Sleep regressions are common at certain developmental milestones, and they can cause your child to wake up earlier than usual, have trouble falling asleep, or wake up frequently during the night.
While it can be frustrating to deal with sleep regression, there are some things you can do to help your child get through it.
Try implementing a bedtime routine that includes calming activities like reading or baths.
You can also try adjusting their naptime schedule or giving them a light snack before bed.
If you’re struggling to manage your child’s sleep regression, consult with their pediatrician.
With some patience and effort, you’ll hopefully be able to get your little one back on track in no time.
Be Patient!
It can be difficult to deal with toddlers waking up too early, but there are ways to help them adjust.
By adjusting their bedtime, nap schedule, or activity level, you can help get them back on track to sleeping through the night.
If these measures don’t work, a sleep regression could be causing the problem and you should consult with your pediatrician.
With a little patience and effort, you’ll hopefully have your toddler back to their usual self in no time!
Frequently Asked Questions
Toddlers do seem to be naturally early risers but the definition of “early” is debatable!
Some people view 5 am as early while others think 7 am is still too early of a wake-up time for toddlers.
Instead of focusing on what time your child wakes up, you really want to focus on the total number of hours your child is sleeping in a 24-hour period between naps and nighttime sleep.
There are many reasons your toddler is waking early morning at 5 am.
If it is happening suddenly it may be a sign of sleep regression.
It could also have to do with your child getting overtired so you may need to try out a new bedtime.
If your toddler is waking in the early morning hours there are a few things you can try.
Using a toddler clock can help your child to know when it is time to get up and also when it is time to stay in bed.
Making sure you keep the room dark and using a white noise machine can also be helpful.
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.