You have your fancy cloth diapers and now you may have a very important question? How do I wash my cloth diapers?

I have been washing and not ruining my cloth diapers for 2 1/2 years and I am ready to share what has worked for us. Here is a picture of how well it has worked. Can you tell which diaper is brand new and which one has been used for 2 1/2 years?

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The only reason I happen to have a brand-new diaper on hand is because we just added a little girl to our family and I could not resist all the cute prints! I guess I just gave it away huh? (This is the brand we use in case you are curious.)
I would recommend doing your own research depending on the brand of cloth diapers that you use as the manufacturers may have different instructions. I would always follow their instructions! Now let’s jump right in and learn how to wash diapers!
How to Wash Your Cloth Diapers in 3 Easy Steps
How to Store Cloth Diapers
You will want to make sure you have a good storage system as to where you are putting the diapers when they are dirty. There is no need to soak them in water when they are messy.
I would highly recommend buying at least 2 large wet bags. That way when you are washing one, you have one to use.
When you put your dirty diapers in the wet bag make sure to leave it open. They usually come with a zipper and you may think it would make sense to zip them shut…but that is just not the case.
If you do that they will actually stink more! If you leave them open you will notice very little smell if any at all.
One big thing to remember is NEVER put your wet bags in the dryer. This can melt holes and ruin them. Always line dry them. This is the wet bag that worked best for us.
Do I Need to Rinse Cloth Diapers Before Washing Them?
If you are breastfeeding and your baby is not eating solids then the answer is NO. Breastfed baby poop breaks down easily in the wash.
If you are formula feeding you will need to put any solids into the toilet. This goes for when your baby starts to consume food as well. Anything that is solid should go into the toilet…not the laundry.
Some people use a diaper sprayer (like this) to help with clean up before the diapers enter the wash. We were able to make it through without it. Somehow we always found a way to get it into the toilet!
Choosing a Wash Cycle For Your Cloth Diapers
I don’t know what kind of washing machine you have so you will have to figure out the best way to wash cloth diapers using your machine. You may need to try out some different cycles to see what works. I have used two different washing machines (both top loaders) throughout my time cloth diapering and both worked fine.
First you will want to do a short wash cycle on HOT. This will help get all the poop out before you actually wash them. You will add about enough detergent for a small load. I usually select a medium-sized load for about 10-15 diapers when washing mine…but you will have to choose that based on how much you have to wash.
The only detergent I have ever used on my diapers is the Original Tide Powder. I have not had any issues. For this first cycle you will only put about 1/4 of a cup in. This is the best way to clean cloth diapers that has worked well for me.
After this cycle has run you want to run your most powerful and longest cycle with a full cup of Original Tide Powder. This cycle should run on HOT as well.
Once again make sure you follow the manufactures instructions. If you have questions you can contact them directly.
Cloth diapering is all about experimenting. Try out some different wash cycles and see what works best for your machine.

How to Dry Your Cloth Diapers
Now that they are squeaky clean it is time to get them dry. For prefolds and pocket inserts I put them in the dryer on a normal cycle. Sometimes they can take a while to get dry so I try to wash towels ahead of time and throw them in with the inserts and prefolds to speed up drying time.
Any type of cover or pocket diaper I line dry. I know some people put them in the dryer but I have played it safe and they have lasted 2 1/2 years and are still in perfect condition. It does take them longer to dry but I think it is the safest way to make them last. A simple clothes drying rack (like this one) will work perfectly to line dry them.
And that’s it! Now all you have to do is stuff your pocket diapers and you are good to go!
How Do I Wash New Cloth Diapers for the First Time?
Washing new cloth diapers can seem a bit intimidating at first. But Don’t be scared!
Depending on what kind of diaper you have you may have to “prep” it by washing it multiple times to increase absorbency. Washing pocket diapers may have different instructions depending on which brand you have. Follow your manufacturer’s instructions on how to prep your diapers before you use them.
Cloth Diaper Washing Tips and Tricks
How to Tell When Your Baby’s Cloth Diaper is Wet
This may seem like a basic question but it is very important to know when you need to change your baby’s diaper. Cloth diapers are a bit different than disposables in that there is no magic line to tell you when a change is needed.
When your baby is a newborn you will want to change your baby’s diaper frequently. You will be changing at least every two hours…sometimes even more!
As your baby gets older I would still recommend sticking with the two hour rule. Eventually they will be able to go longer between changes, but you do not one your little one sitting in a wet or dirty diaper because that is what causes diaper rash.
How to Clear Up Diaper Rash
NEVER use diaper rash cream that is not cloth diaper safe with your diapers. It is almost impossible to get out if you do this. You can buy liners (like these) to protect your diapers if you need to use a diaper rash cream. There are cloth safe rash creams (this is the one we use) as well.
You will need to do a little trial and error to find the best cloth diaper safe rash cream for your little one. You could also just have your little one wear disposables until the rash clears up. Always follow your pediatricians advice on what rash cream you should be using on your child.
Did you accidentally use diaper cream and are wondering how to get diaper cream out of cloth diapers? Don’t worry…I made that rookie mistake too! What I had to do was wash them…and wash them…and wash them…eventually, it all came out!
How many cloth diapers do I need to have?
Buy enough diapers so that you have enough and you don’t have to wash them every single day. This depends on the age of your baby and the type of diapers you are planning on using. You can read more about this in my Beginner’s Guide to Cloth Diapering.
If you are expecting and want to add cloth diapers to your gift registry you can start one HERE. If you get them as gifts you will spend even less money on diapering your baby!
Can I use fabric softener with cloth diapers?
Do not use fabric softener sheets or liquids with your diapers. This can make them less absorbent.
Is there an EASY way to get out cloth diaper stains?
If it is possible, dry your diapers outdoors in the sun. This can help with stains!
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.
Tuesday 3rd of July 2018
Great post here! I felt a wonderful connection with the way you cloth diaper! Because....? The simple reason that you are using a simple wash routine with a simple detergent! I actually really enjoy washing my cloth diapers and I pretty much follow the same routine! Another thing that tickled me is that you use Alva baby cloth diapers which is all we use on our almost 6 month daughter;) one little thing I want to mention is when your baby gets a rash you can use coconut oil. Now if your baby was to get a very bad rash I don't know how it would work, but if I think my daughter looks a little red I'll slather some on, by the next diaper change it has cleared right, and she has never had a serious rash. Anyway I enjoyed reading it, thanks!