In this post I will give you information about what motor development from 6-9 months looks like and how to encourage motor skills in babies from 6 to 9 months.
Your baby’s motor skills include those needed to move and discover the world.
They are usually broken up into two groups called fine motor and gross motor.
Fine motor skills refer to smaller movements (think hands and fingers) and gross motor skills refers to large muscle movements (whole body strength and coordination).
Your baby’s motor skills can change very rapidly. Fine motor skills at 9 months will look completely different than at 6 months.
The motor skills of a 9-month-old will look different than at 12 months.
All children develop differently so know that if your baby is not doing the exact same things as your best friend’s, that is ok.
However, if you are concerned about your little one’s development always seek out the Early Intervention program in your area for a free screening or evaluation.

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Gross Motor Development From 6-9 Months Includes:
When do babies start sitting?
Who would have thought learning to sit would be such hard work?
Sitting requires a lot of core strength and balance which is why it requires so much practice for your baby.
At first, they may only be able to sit for a few seconds or minutes without any assistance.
As their muscles strengthen they will be able to go for longer periods of time.
Once they are confidently sitting by themselves they will work towards getting in and out of sitting by themselves.
When do babies start army crawling?
Army crawling is typically seen before your baby starts to actually crawl as it is easier.
It strengthens their arms and core which prepares them for crawling movements.
Some babies do skip army crawling as every child is different.
It may be time for you to baby proof again as your baby may be starting to crawl soon!
Crawling can look very different from one baby to the next.
Some may army crawl at first as well.
Look for your baby to get into position on their hands and knees and just rock back and forth to start.
Once they feel confident they will start going forward…or backward!
When will my baby pull to stand?
Your baby is trying out some new ways to gain a different point of view.
From 6-9 months you will notice your baby starting to pull themselves up on furniture or you!
You can read all about baby standing milestones here.
This move will strengthen muscles all throughout their body and help prepare them for when they start to walk.
RELATED: Infant Development 6-9 Months: Social Skills
Fine Motor Development From 6-9 Months Includes:
Transferring and Banging Objects
Your little one is starting to gain hand and eye coordination which allows them to do some new tricks.
Your baby should be able to take a small toy or object and transfer it from one hand to the other.
They will also start to bang toys on surfaces like their high chair.
These skills will eventually lead to your baby being able to hold an object in each hand and then bang them together.
RELATED POST: Fine Motor Skills 0-6 Months
How You Can Encourage Gross Motor Skills From 6-9 Months:
Increase Motor Skills Through Play and Daily Routines
There are many opportunities during play time to work on gross motor skills.
Here are a few ideas and strategies to help your little one gain the skills that were discussed above:
Sitting: Always give your baby the support they need when sitting by gently placing your hands on their back or core.
Watch their cues and give them less support as they get stronger.
You can try positioning yourself in front of them so that you can talk to them or behind them while they are playing with toys.
If they show signs of being tired or wanting to get out of sitting follow their lead.
Crawling: When your baby gets into the crawling position on their hands and knees give them support as needed so they can get familiar with the position.
They may try to gently rock while on their hands and knees. You can provide motivation by keeping toys a bit out of reach so that they have to go and get them.
As they become proficient in crawling have some fun by crawling though tunnels (like these) or under a table.
Turn it into a fun game of peek-a-boo to encourage social skills as well. You will definitely want to baby-proof again as your child becomes more mobile (read more about baby proofing here.)
Pulling to stand: Give your baby support when they are trying to pull to stand on furniture.
Make sure to hold down push toys (like this one) so that your baby doesn’t fall when they try to pull up on them.
Your baby may let go for short periods of time to practice standing so you will want to stay near by and help them so they don’t fall.
RELATED: Infant Development Complete Guide to Cognitive Milestones 6-9 Months
Once your baby becomes more confident with standing near furniture place toys on the couch or chair to motivate them to play in a standing position (this toy works great for this sort of play.)
Once again, baby proofing is important during this period of development.
Cover sharp corners or edges on tables to protect your little one (these are easy to install and are a great option.)
You can watch a short video on crawling with some extra tips by clicking here!
How You Can Encourage Fine Motor Skills From 6-9 Months:
Transferring and Banging Objects: A great time to work on this skill is during diaper changes.
While your baby is laying on their back, hand them a favorite toy (something like this would work well.)
Let them with it while your change them (this is also great because it keeps their little hands busy!) Show them how to pass it from one hand to the other.
When your baby is sitting in their highchair you have a prime opportunity to show them how to bang toys on the tray.
Model the skill for them first, and then gently show them how to do it with hand-over-hand guidance.
Want to learn more about your 6-9 month old baby?
Click on the links below to learn all about 6-9 month old child development
Communication Development 6-9 Months
Physical Development 6-9 Months
Communication Development 6-9 Months
Intellectual Development 6-9 Months
RELATED POST: Best Baby Toys for Fine Motor Development

Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.