Congratulations on your brand-new bundle of joy!
Having a baby is one of the most exciting things…but can also be a bit overwhelming.
Many new parents wonder how to play with a newborn baby.
In this post, you will read all about simple newborn activities that encourage development in your baby.
Try doing these simple activities while going about your daily routine.
Keep an open mind and get creative!
There are many ways to play with a newborn.

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Simple Newborn Activities
Why are baby development activities important?
Playing and socializing with your baby is one of the top ways they learn!
A toy on its own will not teach your baby what it needs to learn.
You can use toys to encourage certain skills…but engaging with your baby is the MOST important learning tool for your baby.
Most of these baby development activities can be done as you go about your daily life and routines.
Encourage Strength on Both Sides Through Newborn Development Activities
During newborn playtime make sure you lay your baby in different directions to encourage development on both sides of their bodies.
Our little girl loves to stare out the window when she is on the floor.
I try to make sure that I flip her around each time so that sometimes she is looking towards the left while other times it is towards the right.

The Best Toys For Newborn Play Activities
You are your newborn’s best toy and they will learn a lot of baby skills from you!
However, if grandma is looking for something for the new baby or you want to get something for your little one here are a few good options:
Soft Baby Books: Small soft baby books are a great way to encourage early literacy skills in your baby.
When looking for fun things to do with your newborn-curling up with them and reading a story may be at the top of your list!
Reading with your baby allows you to encourage communication skills as they hear new words and it is also a great opportunity to just connect and bond with your baby.
Just hearing the sound of your voice is satisfying and comforting to your little one.
A soft book (like this) would work well for storytime with your newborn.
Baby Play Mat: You will get a lot of use out of this toy as it will grow with your baby.
Playmats are visually stimulating for newborn babies.
As your baby gets older they will be able to practice fine motor skills by reaching up for the toys and batting and grabbing.
Being on the floor is great for a newborn’s development because it allows them to explore and move freely which is the best thing for encouraging gross motor skills.
Read our full review on the best baby play mats to find the best one for you!
Black and White Cards or Toys: Did you know that babies see black and white the best when they are brand new?
As your baby gets older their vision will clear up.
You can either make your black-and-white cards or download the ones I made HERE for free.
You can see my whole list of 0-6 months baby toys here.
Stimulating Activities for Newborns’ Language Development
Singing works wonders to calm down a fussy baby.
They love to hear your voice as it is very soothing.
Did you know that serenading your little one is also wonderful for language development as well?
Your baby needs to hear words many times to learn what they mean and how to say them and singing provides them with lots of words to hear.
You can read more about 0-6 month language development here.
If you don’t feel like singing yourself you can also listen to music together.
Explore different types and see how your baby reacts to the new sounds.
This was one of my favorite activities to do when my kiddos were first home.
I would play them some of my favorite songs and see how they would react!
Watch for cues to make sure your baby does not get overstimulated.
Tummy Time Helps Strengthen Your Baby’s Muscles
Your little one is spending a lot of time on their back when they are sleeping.
Chances are they are sleeping a lot right now so making sure they get some time on their tummy when they are awake is a good idea.
Tummy time will help strengthen almost all of their muscles so make it part of your routine.
It is one of the best newborn development exercises that you can have your little one do.
Is your baby not a fan?
That is ok! Start off with just a couple minutes and work your way up to longer tummy time sessions.
You can read about how much tummy time your baby needs here.
Daily Activities for Newborn Development: Talk to Your Baby
Your baby will need to hear words many times before they can understand or repeat them.
Narrate your day to give them lots of exposure.
For example, when you are making dinner tell them about it!
Label the ingredients when you take them out and describe the process.
You can read more about your baby’s language development here.

Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.
Limit Time in Baby Containers
Swings and seats can be a great way to calm your baby or let you get a quick shower in.
However, they are not meant for extended time throughout the day.
Too much time in these devices can cause a flat head (Read more about that here).
Holding your baby or just letting them play on the floor are both great options to prevent any problems.
Read to Your Baby
Do you want to encourage cognitive development and boost language skills?
Reading to your baby will do just that and is one of the best activities for newborn brain development.
Grab a simple board book and read to your little one.
You can see some of my favorite books for babies here.
This is a perfect way to start your bedtime routine with your baby as well.

Hold Your Baby
Leave the dishes in the sink and cuddle your newborn.
This makes them feel safe and builds a strong social connection.
Can you spoil your baby by holding them out too much?
NO! Babies are meant to be held.
Respond to Your Baby’s Cries
Nobody likes to hear a crying baby…but it is a very important skill (you can read more about self-help skills here).
Crying is your your baby’s main way of communicating so they are trying to tell you something.
Check your baby’s diaper, try to feed them, or just snuggle them to comfort them.
If these things aren’t working then it could be purple crying.
If you haven’t heard about purple crying you can read more about it HERE.
Stay calm and hand your baby to someone else if you are feeling frustrated or upset by it.

Play Social Games
Take advantage of that short window of awake time by introducing some social newborn play.
This play activity could be as simple as making silly faces at your little one such as sticking out your tongue.
Then you will want to use some wait time to see how they respond.
Do they make eye contact?
Do they turn away?
Singing nursery rhymes or reading a short story are also great ways to encourage early social skills.
Always watch your baby’s cues and take it down a notch if they seem to be getting overstimulated.
One of my favorite times to play social games with my baby is during diaper changes as it works great for a distraction!
Newborn Playtime Ideas to Encourage Vision
Your baby’s vision will be quite blurry at first but it will clear up as they get a bit older.
Show your baby their toys and see if they respond.
Slowly move an object horizontally across their line of vision to see if they can track it.
Then try doing the same thing vertically.
Enjoy the Time With Your Newborn!
Taking time to bond and play with your newborn is not only enjoyable but you are also laying the groundwork for important skills that will serve them throughout life.
Look for ways to include them in the things you are doing throughout the day.
Letting them feel different textures while you fold laundry, for example, allows your baby to explore and develop their sense of touch, which is a cornerstone among developmental milestones.
Tailoring your interactions to include developmental activities needn’t be complex; countless newborn play ideas can help your baby grow both cognitively and physically.
Remember, even a simple stroll outside to breathe fresh air can be stimulating for your little one.
As you incorporate these play strategies into your daily routine, rejoice in the fact that each giggle and grasp marks significant progress in your baby’s journey of growth and learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
Newborns do not need many toys…the best toy they can have is you!
If you are looking to get a few toys for your newborn I would recommend some soft baby books, and non-breakable mirror, and some soft rattles.
You can also help them explore things around the house.
For example, you could help them feel different fabrics by gently placing them in their palm.
You could try this with washcloths or silk scarves.
Babies seem to be most interested in peek a boo starting around 4 to 5 months.
You can introduce it earlier though and see how your baby reacts.
You can bond with your newborn by feeding, holding them, playing with them, or giving them a baby massage (read about that here.)
You can even put them in a baby carrier or take them for a walk as it may be a fun activity that you both enjoy.
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.