Do you need some simple ways to encourage your baby’s development?
As a parent you know how busy, crazy, and unpredictable life can be. You may be realizing that there are not enough minutes in the day to get everything done that you would like.
There is a TON of information out there about parenting and it can be a bit overwhelming at times. It can seem like your list of what to do is unrealistic.
Baby activities should NOT be complicated.
Keeping your infant engaged through simple play and daily routines is the best way to encourage development.
Need some ideas on fun activities for babies?

I created One Minute Milestone Activity Cards to simplify teaching your child new skills.
Great parenting and engagement does NOT require lots of EXTRA time.
It just requires you to be in the moment with your child doing the activities and routines that you are ALREADY doing.
After working with infants and toddlers for the 6 years as a developmental therapist I learned a ton about child development, engagement, and parenting.
For the last 2 years I have been trying out all the strategies I told parents to use on my own son…and I can tell you that these strategies work well on ALL children.
1. Parents are their child’s BEST teacher.
2. Learning through daily routines and play is what works BEST for babies and toddlers.
3. Parents NEVER stop learning!

One Minute Milestones Infant Activity Cards (0-12 Months) covers simple ways to encourage development in all areas including:
- Cognition
- Motor
- Language
- Social Emotional
- Adaptive
When do you do these activities? While you are doing the daily routines and activities that you are ALREADY doing. Such as:
- Diaper Changes
- Car Rides
- Grocery Shopping
- Feeding Your Baby
- Story Time
- Laundry
- Bath
- Kitchen Time
The cards are divided into two age groups:
Activities for Babies 0-6 Months
Activities for Babies 6-12 Months
This system is simple and easy to start implementing from the moment you download it. Once you purchase it you will receive the digital download to either look at on your phone, computer, or print off for your use.
My Anti-Sales Pitch: This is not a fancy curriculum by any means! I wanted to create something simple and inexpensive so that EVERYONE could have access to it that was wanting SIMPLE infant activities ideas to encourage development (If you are looking for a 204 page, step by step guide on how to raise the perfect baby, with beautiful pictures included…then don’t buy this!)
Here is what other busy moms had to say about them:
“I love these activity cards because the exercises are all very simple and straightforward, but they take so much pressure off when it comes to thinking of things to do and say to stimulate baby. I’m often tired and distracted and not having to think too hard is such a help! I have a 4 month old and from diaper changes to folding laundry to cooking in the kitchen and grocery shopping, with these I feel confident that I’m doing what I can to make every activity an interesting, teachable moment for her. And it’s fun and so easy with the cards saved right on my cell phone. The activities we do often I memorized over several days, but others I still use the cards as a reference as needed. Highly recommend.”
I really enjoyed the 1-Minute Milestones with my 8 month old. With a toddler and an infant, sometimes it’s hard to focus on and celebrate the milestones of my 8 month old. The 1-Minute Milestones enables me to set time aside to just focus on my infant while I’m doing other busywork around the house. I think this is a great resource not only for working moms, but for moms who are always on the go…dealing with the busyness of life.
“I️ absolutely love these one minute cards. With a tiny baby, you would think they wouldn’t be helpful, but they actually were! It is nice having a little prompt to give you ideas of interaction and learning for your little one. The prompts are easy to follow as well, and extremely practical to use through your the day. I️ even have my toddler using them with his new brother and loving it. These have been great for our family.”
Have a question? Feel free to email me (I would LOVE to hear from you):
Let’s Get Started!
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