Social skills from 0-3 months include the skills needed for your little one to regulate emotions and interact with both other children and adults. From day one babies need to know how to get there needs met.
They depend on their caregivers for everything so communicating and interacting with others is an important survival skill. Let’s take a look at social development 0-3 months.
If you are ever concerned about your little one’s development always seek out the Early Intervention program in your area for a free screening or evaluation.
In this post, I will give you information about what social skills look like and how to encourage these skills in babies from birth to three months.
Don’t forget that your child’s social development 0-3 years will change a lot! Milestones sometimes seem to happen overnight, while others seem to show up in a stretch of months.
Keep in mind that your child’s social development 0-3 years old may look completely different when compared to another child. Every child is unique!

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Social Skills From Birth to 3 Months Include:
When Do Babies Make Eye Contact?
Although your little one’s vision will be pretty fuzzy at the start, one of the first things they will try to do is to look at your face.
This is one of the first milestones for 0-3 months of social and emotional development.
You may notice your baby look at your face briefly when they are firstborn. As they begin to mature you will notice that quick glances turn into longer gazes.
Eye contact will become more apparent as your baby goes from days old to weeks old. This is because babies see very blurred images to start with which become more clear as they get older.
Check out this post next: Most Popular Baby Toys 0-6 Months
When Do Babies Start Smiling?
Many mothers treasure that moment when they see their little one smile for the first time! It may be just be random (baby just reflexively smiled) but soon there will be meaning behind it.
These social milestones for infants are oftentimes one of your favorite memories for moms and dads.
You will soon notice that the smile is in connection with something that makes them happy or comforts them, like the sound of your voice singing them a lullaby.
Watch your baby’s cues to figure out what their preferences are so that you can know what they like and dislike.
RELATED POST: Social and Emotional Development 3-6 Months
What Position is Best to Hold Your Baby?
When you are holding your baby you may notice that sometimes they feel stiffer and other times more relaxed.
Pay attention to the different positions you use and how their body reacts. You want your infant to be comfortable and all babies have different positions that feel good to them.
When your little one has found a nice position notice their relaxed muscle tone and how they “mold” into your arms.
How You Can Encourage Social Skills Milestones From Birth to 3 Months:
Spend Face to Face Time With Your Baby
Spend lots of time looking at your little one…and letting them look at you! Our faces are what we use to communicate emotions so let your baby watch you so they can learn.
Smile at them to make them feel safe. You can even try making some silly faces, like sticking out your tongue. Wait a few seconds so you can see their reaction before moving to another expression. Watch your baby’s cues and if they start to get fussy or seem overstimulated give them a break from the interaction.
Play Social Games With Your Baby
Make silly faces, blow raspberries and play peek-a-boo with your baby. These classic games engage your little one and get them interested in you! In order for a baby to learn to imitate they need to first be able to watch you. Watch how they respond to see which silly faces they like the most.
When your baby starts to make little coos and sounds try to imitate them. Your baby will find this interesting and may even try to have a mini conversation with you. Go along with it and see what silly sounds you both can make.
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Talk to Your Baby
One of the best ways to encourage baby social skills is by talking to them. By talking to them you are modeling one of the biggest social skills they will need to learn. You can introduce your baby to many words by narrating your day.
Talk about what you are going to make for dinner or talk about a what you see while driving in the car.
If you speak multiple languages feel free to speak both to them while they are babies.
This will allow them to learn both, instead of having to teach them desperately later on in life. There are many benefits for children that grow up bilingual!
Sing to Your Baby
Singing is great for babies for so many reasons!
If your baby is upset, singing to them may be comforting and will help soothe them.
It is also a great way to draw attention to you and distract your little one during a diaper change.
Singing is a great social activity that is easy to take part in with your little one in almost any situation.
Make up your own songs or sing one of your childhood favorites to encourage your little one’s development.
Can I Spoil My Baby By Holding Him Too Much?
Give your baby lots of snuggles and cuddles so that they feel safe and loved. YOU CAN NOT SPOIL A BABY BY HOLDING THEM TOO MUCH WHEN THEY ARE THIS YOUNG, SO IGNORE IT IF SOMEONE SAYS THAT TO YOU.
Take care of yourself, because if you are stressed out your baby can sense this and they won’t be relaxed. Being a new mom can be overwhelming at times, so ask for help when you need it and let someone else hold your baby (I am sure they won’t mind).

Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.
Would you like to learn about the other birth to three-month baby milestones? Check them out in the list below!
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.
Top Parent Blog Posts of The Week |
Friday 19th of May 2017
[…] Expert To Mom has a great post about social skills from birth to three months old. Whether you are a parent to be or a new parent, you will appreciate this […]
Friday 19th of May 2017
I miss this stage so much! And, yes, hold them! I love the expression, food spoils not babies. Thank you for this helpful post. :-)
Kayla ONeill
Friday 19th of May 2017
Ahh!! That is a good one! :) Yes...babies grow up way too fast!
Dr. Elise Cohen Ho
Friday 19th of May 2017
Fabulous tips. Communication begins way before the ability to form words does.
SIC Mama
Thursday 18th of May 2017
Truly great insights into babies development of social skills. I miss this stage! I have always been fascinated with early on development.
Kayla ONeill
Thursday 18th of May 2017
Yes me too! So fascinating to look at a newborn...and think that in just a matter of months they change into a running and chatting toddler!
Jasmine - LoveLifeLaughMotherhood
Wednesday 17th of May 2017
this is a good guide for new parents. and yes-hold them! you literally cant do it enough
Kayla ONeill
Thursday 18th of May 2017
I agree! I hear a lot of mom's think they will create bad habits or spoil them...simply not true!