With the holidays just around the corner it is time to think about ways to make your life easier when you travel. Flying with an infant or toddler can seem a bit overwhelming! Holidays should be a time for enjoyment…not stress!
Last year I traveled across the country with my 15 month old son for Christmas and it was a trip to remember! We made it in on the LAST flight before a major snow storm hit. That was not how I expected my holiday break to go.
Here are some resources to help ensure a safe and smooth time when traveling with your toddler!
Tips and Tricks to Use When Traveling With Children
How to Deal With Sleep Issues When Traveling
Sleep is always an issue for us when we travel. My son is not a good sleeper to begin with and things usually get worse when his routine is thrown off.
If you are going into a new time zone how do you deal with the change? Laura from Our Next Adventure gives some wonderful advice on how deal with this issue. Check out her post on 6 Tips to Help Your Kids Deal With Jet Lag with some information on what to do.
For more tips on how to handle sleep while traveling check out Elizabeth’s Ultimate Guide to Helping Your Child Sleep Away From Home from Worth Writing For. She covers everything from how to create a good environment for sleep when traveling to what you should pack in order to help with sleep. This is a great post to read so that you are prepared for anything!
Flying With a Toddler: How to Keep Them Entertained
Whether your flight is 45 minutes or 4 hours it is best to have some activities planned ahead of time to entertain your toddler. Their attention spans are fairly short so the more activities the merrier!
You can always hope for a long nap, but just in case be prepared by reading my post about How To Entertain Your Toddler During a Flight. It contains simple ideas on ways to keep your toddler occupied while flying.
Need some Ideas for activities to do with your toddler? Make sure to sign up: FREE 7-Day Toddler Challenge
Potty Training and Travel
Continuing to potty train my toddler while traveling is something that I will be facing in the near future. A few questions popped into my mind when I started to think about how it could go.
How do you continue to make progress if you have just started? Is there a way to prevent potty train regression while away from home?
With a new baby on the way i am hoping my son is trained so I know how important potty training progress can be! Trips with Tykes covers all you need to know in their post Tips for Successful Potty Training During Travel (You can check it out here.)
How to Handle Flight Delays with a Toddler
Last summer I had the unthinkable happen while I was traveling across country with my toddler solo. Our 30 minute delay turned into a 3 HOUR DELAY. 3 Hours isn’t a long period of time, but when your trapped at an airport with a toddler it can sure seem like it!
In case the unthinkable happens to you check out my post on Stranded at the Airport With a Toddler: 7 Ways to be Prepared and Save Money.
Toddler Eating on the Go
Traveling with a hangry toddler is not fun! Whether it is in the car or in the air make sure you have snacks and meals planed out ahead of time. If you are on a road trip try to stop somewhere your little one can get out and stretch their legs. If the weather is nice pack a lunch or dinner and head for a local park on your route.
Need some ideas on some healthy snacks to take along? Leslie has some great ideas at Trips with Tykes and her post on 50 Kid Friendly Airplane Snacks which you can read HERE.
Car Seat Struggles
There was a time when my son HATED the car seat. I am so glad we are done with that that stage now and he actually asks to go for car rides now. The struggle is real and I know how hard it can be to get your child buckled when they want nothing to do with it. If you need some ideas on how to win this battle check out my post on 6 Tips to Get Your Toddler Buckled.
Make sure to join our Facebook Group for Mindful Parenting for Babies and Toddlers!
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.