When you become a parent your life changes dramatically.
Some of it is good change…other parts of it makes us feel overwhelmed and exhausted.
If you are a new mom or a mom transitioning to their second child…I have some things that have helped me stay sane!
In this post you will discover simple ways to make a life a bit easier and enjoyable if you are feeling stressed out from the changes that are taking place in your life.
Read on to discover the top 10 tips for new mommies!
10 Tips for New Mommies that Are Stressed Out By Motherhood

Audio books make cleaning enjoyable…REALLY!
I rarely find time to read anymore.
So I rely heavily on audio books to get in my “reading” time.
I use them when I am driving in the car running errands or will put on my wireless headphones (these are the ones I have) and listen while I walk the dog or do chores.
You can grab free audio books here to sneak in some reading time!
Trust me…it makes cleaning and doing dishes so much more enjoyable.
Create Good Sleep Habits
One of the things I have struggled the most with after becoming a parent is getting my babies to sleep.
I strongly believe that why some babies sleep well and longer stretches compared to others is their temperament.
However, I do feel like it is important to create a good sleep environment and encourage healthy sleep habits from the start.
You can try a free sleep assessment (click here to do the assessment) to make sure you are on the right track with creating a good sleep routine for your baby.

Have a Good Planner
Having a good planner can help you stay organized and make you feel less anxious about everything going on.
I prefer paper planners (like this one) …but electronic versions or phone apps can work as well.
Writing down what you want to accomplish every day will help you stay focused when you need to and get stuff done.
Nothing feels better then checking off items from a list!
Take time to eat!
I know life gets busy but when you are running on empty…it can make things even harder!
Smoothies have been one of my favorite staples when life gets busy but I need energy.
You can make them ahead of time if you need, or just use an immersion blender to get one done fast!
Never Run Out of Diapers
One way to never run out of diapers is by cloth diapering.
I cloth diapered both of my children and have loved it.
You can read my guide on cloth diapering if you are wanting to learn more about it.
You could also sign up for a diaper subscription service (like this one) so you never run out and save money.
Find a Support Group
Raising a child truly takes a village.
If you have a group of friends or family that will be there for you when the going gets tough…that is truly a gift.
If you don’t then it may be time to look around and see if you can find some friends or even a group online that can give you support.
Before my son turned one we moved across the country and I became a stay-at-home mom.
Although I loved being at home with my son, I felt very isolated and lonely.
Look to your community to see if there are any mom or parenting groups in your area.
I also have a group that you can join for parents of babies and toddlers.
We would love to have you …check it out HERE.
Find some more ideas on how to find support HERE.

Get a personal shopper…or try this!
I use to be REALLY good at shopping for clothes.
I loved putting together outfits and walking the stores for hours.
Then I became a mom and somehow lost all of my style.
My body is different and I don’t have time to shop like I used to.
Enter Stitch Fix!
I love that it creates looks for me and gives me ideas.
I often get things that I would never had picked out myself…but actually look really good!
You can try it out HERE.
By the way they have Stitch Fix for men and kids…so you can make shopping for the whole family much easier!
Check it out HERE.
Take Time to Connect With Your Partner
Your life love does not have to tank with the addition of a new bundle of joy.
However, when life gets crazy it can sometimes be a part of life that gets neglected.
Try to make time together to connect.
If you have family around or know a good baby sitter try to get out of the house together for a date.
It could be a simple meal out or a walk in the park.
If you don’t have anyone around to watch your little one then plan a special evening in.
You could cook a meal together or have a game night.
You could also try a subscription box (like this one) if you are looking for some fresh ideas.
Have a Good Baby Carrier
Your baby will want to be held a lot.
Even at 15 months my daughter wants to be carried constantly. She was a very clingy baby.
Having a good baby carrier (this one was my favorite) is a great way to get things done while bonding with your little one.
I highly recommend seeing if there is a baby carrier exchange in your area so that you can try out a few to see what you like.

Working Out
Going to the gym can be a great way to get a break and get some “me time” in.
With a new baby it can be pretty difficult to get there.
Working out at home allows you to still get in shape but takes up less of your time.
Also working out while your baby or toddler is around is a possibility.

Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.
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Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.